Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone!

WOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! I’m realizing all I’ve learned over the last 10 months and I have grown so much! But, once again, it’s time to step outside of my comfort zone and grow.
That is truly the only way to grow. To really just aept that it’s not always comfortable or easy – and I don’t have to know EVERYTHING first, it’s okay to just learn and grow sometimes.
I think of it playing in the middle of the keyboard because it’s safe. There is comfort in staying in the familiar things we learned first. There is also safety in keeping it simple. The when you keep it simple, you don’t grow. What we really need to understand is how much we need the uncertainty and difficulty of growing and expanding in order to become a better, more aware version of ourselves.
The thing is we allow barriers to come in and stop us. We start questioning ourselves as if we’re supposed to have all the answers to all the unknown variables BEFORE we launch out. Now, we aren’t supposed to go out totally unprepared, but we have to realize that we can’t know everything before we come to the lesson.
Allow yourself to accept that you will be afraid, and you will go through some places of discomfort. Know that it’s the process. Know it’s a process that will result in you having a fuller life. After the lesson, you will be equipped to serve the planet more effectively – however you are supposed to.
Be brilliant
<3 Dawn

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