Lessons From The Grass

Hey Peeps!!! Happy Friday!!! It’s a SUPERFANTABULOUS day in the Universe!!! There are lessons all around us! This one came when I was sitting outside talking with my customer…
Getting what you want out of life takes you putting in time and consistent effort. Since nothing happens overnight you have to learn that there is a process to growth and development. Think about it like planting seeds. The even though the seed has potential, the seed will only produce when you plant, cultivate, and defend it to become. Once ground the seat will only flourish according to maintenance, and it will die without it.
So get prepared for the life you want by making sure that you planted a seed cultivate your C and defend your CD so that it can grow into what you would like it to become. And once it’s grown make sure that you maintain it properly so that it will flourish and not die.

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