It's Getting Closer!!!

COUNT DOWN!!!! 7 Days Of Abundance is January 13 – 20, 2015!!! The speakers are SOOOOO GOOOOOOODD!!! The Nuggets! The Jewels! The Wisdom!! #7DaysOfAbundance #IAmAbundance
You WANT TO BE THERE!!!! Sign up NOW

7 Days Of Abundance Virtual Event

I am SO EXCITED to announce to you all the FREE Virtual Event 7 Days of Abundance!  It’s happening January 13 – 20, 2015!  I have gathered some of the most dynamic speakers and thought leaders I know to share their wisdom and experiences on how to live life abundantly.  These nationally and world-renowned speakers are:

  • Dee Marshall – Founder, Girlfriend’s Pray Ministries
  • Denise J. Hart – Reinvention Specialists
  • CeCe Clark – Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur and Director of Global Sales for Motivating The Masses
  • Rev. Jenenne Macklin – Money Mindset Coach
  • Zenovia White Andrews – Business Mogul, Millionaire, Author, Coach, Speaker, Systems Strategist
  • Kate McKay – The Master Motivator, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Coach, Professional Athlete, Body Builder
  • Melissa Evans – Master Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Coach, Author
  • TaJuan “TeeJ” Mercer – Author, Speaker, Coach, Hollywood Editor, Chief Dreamlighter
  • Susie Carder – Millionaire, Business Strategist, Coach, Speaker, Author, President/COO of Motivating the Masses
  • Lisa Nichols – World-Renowned Transformational Speaker, Author, Millionaire, Founder – Motivating The Teen Spirit, CEO of Motivating the Masses

It was my intent that I promise that this will be an awesome 7 days!  You REALLY should be there!  It’s going to be POWERFUL!!  Bring yourself, pen, paper and be ready to have a wonderful experience!

Sign Up Here


Start Up Biz Coach Radio Show Interview

If you missed my interview with Terry Clay on The Start Up Business Coach this morning, you can still listen!!! I break down the Steps of Creating a Successful Life Plan!
If you’d like to start your Life Map and be ready for 2015 email me at or call (619) 663-6518. 
Love, Light and Blessings from my heart to yours!

The Startup Business Success Radio Show Interview

TOMORROW!!! TOMORROW!!! TOMORROW!!!!  I will be the guest on the Start Up Business Coach radio show with Terry L Clay!!!  The broadcast goes live first thing in the morning and is available ALL DAY starting at 8am EST!!!  Listen in as we discuss the basic components of a successful life map and I define the Steps for Formulating A Life Plan!  Join Us TOMORROW December 2, 2014 at!!! ‪#‎LifePlan‬ ‪#‎LifeMap‬
The Startup Business Coach Show

About Wheat, Tare and My Destiny

I don’t often share my stuff like this but I felt that it was important for all of us to get what I got today.
EARLY this morning I woke up to a whisper in my ear at precisely 4 am… “nobody’s coming. All your seats will be empty. No sponsors, no vendors… Nobody’s coming.” I sat straight up in the bed.  Then I got up paced for a few moments – bc I’m trying SO HARD to walk this mission out and I’M SCARED!!! Scared that I won’t be able to do this thing like I’m supposed to.  Scared that my vision and my calling are too big for my little 5’2 self.  I mean, after all… I don’t know what the HECK I’m doing even though I’m positive that I’m doing what I was born to do.  I got up, prayed a bit, then laid back down and fell asleep-ish… back awake by my normal 6 am and finally got up.
7 am I turned on Bishop Jakes and he said what I heard at the beginning of the year. “It’s not your fight, the promise in you will grow as it was meant to – and so will adversity which the enemy planted to keep you distracted will grow right beside you.  Your job is to be the wheat and not fight the tare that was planted and cannot be removed without destroying your promise.”
He said we picture success to be perfect To us, in our vision success is beautiful without adversity. We never really get that seeds of adversity ALWAYS grows as you grow. With MORE there is MORE Bishop said. More business and success – more haters and nay sayers. More wisdom – more ppl to drain you. More capacity to serve – more roadblocks put in your path to serve those who need your message. With More there is going to be more. That’s often why we don’t recognize success. It doesn’t look exactly how we saw it in our mind’s eye.
2015 is another level for most of us than ever before. Never EVER forget that the plane of success is filled with adversity and distraction purposely to make you SABOTAGE your own future. Today I vowed that I WILL NOT allow the distractions around me to make me fight a battle I wasn’t even designed to be a part of.  I will remember that I do my part (the hard stuff) – be consistently the wheat – the speaker, leader, entrepreneur, I was put here to be.  The rest happens because I MOVE OUT OF THE WAY and allow God to do His part – the impossible.   I vow to remember and be “…confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it…” because He will.

What Does that Look Like?

I’ve heard for many years that you really don’t get to experience your dreams unless you can visualize them fully. Well, I’m an artist by nature so of have a very vivid imagination and my mind constantly draws pictures of things described during conversations. You would think that visualization would be easy for me. Truth is, it’s NOT! Why? I believe it’s because visualization is more easily achieved with things I’ve already experienced because I am able to pull from a memory or an experience I’ve already had.
Recently, I’ve unlocked a way to start my inner thoughts to describe what I’d like based on my imagining and asking myself “What does that look like?”. I really began to take that to heart the last few weeks during my prayer and meditation time. When i started getting the reference pictures, i was able to fully see what was there in my mind all the time! I know it may sound a little weird, but try it.
Here’s a really good example.
I want a million dollars in the bank – well, doesn’t everybody?! A million dollars is so FAR beyond my reality that I can’t really wrap my mind around the picture of one million dollar bills in a vault that’s just for me. But I’m able to describe what the benefits of the million dollars looks like in my life… Out here in real time. When I ask myself ‘What does a million dollars look like in my life?’ The descriptions I receive make the understanding become more tangible and more attainable – and I can SEE IT in my mind!
As you describe it down to the finest detail. You can see all the things associated with it!
My mind shows me
– How I can support my parents – what it will feel like to be able to give back to them like I really want to;
– What ways I can create businesses – What I can do to be creative and have the longevity I want for my work life.
– I get to employ people – I even see the kinds of employees I’ll hire for which business,
– How many places I’ll go in a year – where, I can visit and explore, what I could do on those trips
(Get the picture). 🙂
So I wanted to share with you what I discovered in soul searching. I’ve begun looking expansively at my life. THE BEST question I’ve ever asked myself so far is this one. I encourage you, even if you are able to visualize, to ask the questions that take your visualizations to a different depth. Go from ‘What does that look like?’ – to ‘What ELSE would it look like?’ Probe your subconscious to give you more detail and allow your vision to unfold before you vividly.
Visualizing helps you see your future. With out the ability to see people die. That’s how important visualizing is to you. Without vision for your life, you’ll die. So when you can’t see your dreams for all the things going on around you, when you need a new perspective, when it’s time to challenge your existence and take it to the next level that you have no reference for, stop… take a deep breath… and ask yourself “What does that look like?”.



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