Legacy And You

Today I want to ask you about your legacy. What will you build now to support the generations to come? How will they remember you? What are you supposed to leave to add to them? A business that they can work in or sell? A book of your life lessons to help them avoid the pitfalls you encountered? A Life Insurance policy that makes their financial woes lessen after you are gone? Investments? An understanding of HOW to acquire and maintain wealth? Great health habits? What are you building?
Life is not just about how well you do, its about who you bless with your abilities along the way and what inheritance you leave behind for those who will need to benefit from your knowledge when your are gone.
Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, and SC Johnson left a legacy of enginuity and creative inventions. Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela left a legacy of love for humanity. Shakespeare, DaVinci, and Michelangelo left artistic masterpieces. Michael, Whitney, Tupac, and Luther left beautiful melodies, lyric and song. Every one their own way. What will you leave?
Never forget, your life is your legacy.

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