The Importance of Your Why

Hey Everybody!!!
Happy Monday!!! It’s an ULTRA SUPERFANTASTICAL day in the universe!!! I pushed and pushed a lot the last four weeks and now that I’m in a place of follow-up it felt a little less hurried… like my goal had been reached, but that’s very far from true. I had to shake myself just a little and say ‘No, it’s not time to let up. You haven’t reached the world, changed enough lives, or created enough avenues to sustain the future generations of your family. So slowing down is not appropriate. Let’s get moving!’ I had to realize that even though portion of a project was completed, I hadn’t reached my WHY.  So I just wanted to share with you all how important knowing and fully embracing the reason you do what you’re doing is to your overall momentum as you move into your next level off living. You can’t rest until you’ve satisfied your Why.
ALWAYS know your WHY! (Why you do what you do) Write it down. Post it in front of you so that you can see it everyday and remind yourself of your purpose. When your focus is off seeing your Why will realign your priorities and help you stay on track. Your WHY will be your fuel to keep you going when you’re tired or in a rough spot. Your WHY will keep you grounded so your pace is strong and sure so that you can continue moving toward your dreams. Your WHY is your life line that leads to your future. #KnowYourWHY.

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