This video always reminds me of how much faith it takes for me to live out my journey. I watched it again this week and I still cried thinking about my first for days in California. Staying the course through the craziness and the crazy people I encountered.
I can honestly say my life is better today because I’ve stayed the course no matter what. I have faith for my journey. I encourage you to have faith for your journey as well
Love, Light and Blessings from my heart to yours!
Abundance Principle #8 is MEATY! JUICY!!! GOOD!!!!
I started teaching on the abundance principles a while ago and I’m finally at the point of finishing up. Principle number eight is so good!!!! I just had to share it with you. You may need to watch this one a couple of times because it has LOTS of information; but it is such GREAT information! Grasping the abundance principles will change your life!