French Kissing Your Destiny

Morning Peeps!  It’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  I know, I know.  I’m BA-AAACK!!!  
For all of you who need a little encouragement this morning I want to share my latest “Aha”.  I got a text yesterday from a fellow interior designer asking if I was looking for a job in interiors.  She had an inquiry she was going to pass along.  She and I have worked together in the past on projects, but it’s been a while.  It was so cool that I didn’t even think twice about how being a full time employee doesn’t fit in my purpose anymore.  Honestly, it never has.  I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1996.  BUT when things got hard I would get scared, get a job, and be MISERABLE.  With the transition to California there was just too much change and I was so unsettled I had a job and was HORRIBLY MISERABLE for the first few years I was here.  So, I’ll admit, I’ve been unclear and wavering for a long time.  I would fret about money and vasselate about my desires.  Not anymore. 
That all changed when God spoke abundance in my ear 18 months ago.  I didn’t even know what it was, or that it was me, so I studied it.  As I studied it, I became so clear about what I was to do with it that I immediately began teaching it on my YouTube Channel.  As always, He knows what we need.   Now, I spend my days Coaching, Teaching and Speaking Abundance and it has changed EVERYTHING for me.  There is NO other path for me.  I am kissing my God given dreams in the mouth WITH LOTS OF TONGUE!!!  My text back to my friend was “thanks for thinking of me, but my future is so clear I can TASTE it! I can’t deviate from the path.”   Without even a second thought, no struggle, no wavering inside, just peace.
I encourage you all to GET CLEAR.  Study and KNOW your path and choosing it with a complete YES will come as easy as breathing.  Be confident in what you are here to become and don’t waste any time-  BECOME IT!! 
Dreams are big, and can seem scary or intimidating.   Here’s a real good truth for you to hang on to… most of our fear is a LIE!!!   If you’re not in immediate mortal danger, then fear is a LIE.  No matter how paralyzing you allow fear to become in your head, its still a lie.  You never have to allow yourself to be guided by unfounded mis-perceptions that will never serve your future.   It’s YOUR TIME, Right here, Right NOW.  Let’s GO Peeps!    Kiss Your dreams in the mouth with FULL TONGUE!!  You can do ANYTHING!!!
#CEOMindset #KissingMyDreamsInTheMouth  #ClarityIsFreedom
Love, Light and Blessings from my heart to yours!

What Would You Do Today If You Knew You Wouldn't Live To See Tomorrow?

Today I was inspired by the story of Zach Sobiech. A young man – a teenager – a kid… Who found out he had cancer and only a few months to live and decided to live big bold and unapologetic in his greatness. He wrote and recorded songs, became YouTube sensation and a rock star, loved profoundly, left great memories and savored every precious moment with his family and friends. Zach said “I don’t want to die when I have so much to do” and then he did all he could in the time he had left. Funny, before he was diagnosed he was planning to go to college and matriculate into society quietly… But his sickness changed his view. He said “most people have dreams and push them aside saying they won’t ever happen. I don’t want to do that.”
I’m not dying… But I learned a valuable lesson from Zach’s life. I learned that I don’t wanna wait to enjoy my life and times, to live fearlessly, to be authentic and selfless. I don’t wanna live a shell of an existence because of fear or disbelief. I learned that I must be everything I’m supposed to be (again) -and why. The world needs to know I was here. God needs to know I did what He sent me here for.
Watch Zach’s story and learn about yourself.

What Would You Do Today If You Knew You Wouldn’t Live To See Tomorrow?

Today I was inspired by the story of Zach Sobiech. A young man – a teenager – a kid… Who found out he had cancer and only a few months to live and decided to live big bold and unapologetic in his greatness. He wrote and recorded songs, became YouTube sensation and a rock star, loved profoundly, left great memories and savored every precious moment with his family and friends. Zach said “I don’t want to die when I have so much to do” and then he did all he could in the time he had left. Funny, before he was diagnosed he was planning to go to college and matriculate into society quietly… But his sickness changed his view. He said “most people have dreams and push them aside saying they won’t ever happen. I don’t want to do that.”

I’m not dying… But I learned a valuable lesson from Zach’s life. I learned that I don’t wanna wait to enjoy my life and times, to live fearlessly, to be authentic and selfless. I don’t wanna live a shell of an existence because of fear or disbelief. I learned that I must be everything I’m supposed to be (again) -and why. The world needs to know I was here. God needs to know I did what He sent me here for.

Watch Zach’s story and learn about yourself.



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