Start Up Biz Coach Radio Show Interview

If you missed my interview with Terry Clay on The Start Up Business Coach this morning, you can still listen!!! I break down the Steps of Creating a Successful Life Plan!
If you’d like to start your Life Map and be ready for 2015 email me at or call (619) 663-6518. 
Love, Light and Blessings from my heart to yours!


Many of you have asked when I’d be teaching another Living A Powerful Life class. Here’s the info for this semester. Sign up now! Seating is limited.
When: Friday Nov 8, 15, 22, and Dec 6
Time: 6:30 – 8 pm

How much? The 2-Day Life Mapping Intensive is valued at $599; the Goal Setting and To Do Session is valued at $259; the Visioning Session is valued at $379, and the Personal Mission Statements, Confessions and Meditations Session is valued at $249… what do YOU Get, your Life’s Framework that you can build upon and expand as wide as your purpose allows… The PHENOMENAL Pricing for this course is ONLY AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ROCK U. (It’s my way of expanding my capacity while giving back). Registration is… (WAIT FOR IT…) ONLY $10 per student (a small donation).
I promise you’ll never be the same if you commit to doing the work. Come out and start the process of Living Your Life In Power – Unapologetically!

Living The Best Version Of Yourself Today!

So, I was thinking the other day about how many of us just want to be so much, have so much, and become so much. That goal always seems so far off from where we are today. Sometimes I tell myself that I can see the finish line, but often I forget that in order to get there I must continuously improve from where I am today. Living the best version of yourself doesn’t start at the finish line. Instead, it begins right here, right now.

Remember diamonds take years and tons of pressure to become the brilliant, rare, beautifully faceted gems that they are when we harvest them. Like wise precious metals take a refiner’s fire to become pure and untainted. Even the pearl has to go through years of process to become the precious commodity it is. Just as they become precious commodities in their time so do we. The process is just as important as the goal. Never forget that. But live your best version of yourself daily and you will eventually get there.
Peace, blessings and grace to you on your journey.



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