YAAAAAAYYYYYY ITS LIVE!!! | My interview with Samantha A. Gregory Host of Brilliant Beauties Podcast is live Right NOW!!!
There are 3 ways to listen:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brilliant-beauties-show/id954944631
Stitcher: YAAAAAAYYYYYY ITS LIVE!!! | My interview with @[691281635:Samantha A.] Gregory Host of Brilliant Beauties Podcast is live Right NOW!!! There are 3 ways to listen:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brilliant-beauties-show/id954944631
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/samanthagregory/the-brilliant-beauties-podcast/e/bbshow-03-dawn-oree-powerful-life-coach-36542188
Tune In Radio: http://tunein.com/radio/The-Brilliant-Beauties-Podcast-p674055/
Tune In Radio: http://tunein.com/radio/The-Brilliant-Beauties-Podcast-p674055/
Love, Light and Blessings from my heart to yours!
Learning About Love
Did you know I used to BOYCOTT Valentines Day? YEP! I really did! It wasn’t because I hated love, actually it was for the OPPOSITE reason. I yearned for love, but didn’t have it – at least not in the form I associated Valentines Day with. I’d been so hurt by circumstances (some I chose, some I inherited), that I completely checked out of love for a while. I just didn’t participate.
Thats such a vast contrast to how I perceive love today because… (Wait for it) … I got healed and grew up a bit inside. So, I decided to share with you a little of what I learned on my journey of understanding. I wanted you to know why I am SO UBER excited about LOVE today, and give you a few tips that might help you if you need a new perception of LOVE. In Honor of the day when we all celebrate love (Valentines Day), I send you Smoochie ooey-gooey love from my heart to yours! 🙂
(Don’t forget to show me some LOVE! Share! Like! Subscribe!)